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My Right to Die Memories

This is a story about how two dedicated, caring state lawmakers from polar opposite ends of the political universe came together to pass legislation that will affect millions of Michigan citizens over time: Laws that address right to die, hospice care, and durable power of attorney.

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MIGG Stories The Prime Minister Is Waiting

The Prime Minister is Waiting

If there is one person in or around the Michigan Capitol who epitomizes the importance of networking to bring trust and joint understanding to the problem-solving process, it is Dennis Muchmore. He has been through it all—successfully. His often humorous recollection of the naming of the new bridge spanning the Detroit River between Canada and the United States shows how mutual trust can resolve so many issues.

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Present at the Creation II

Few people we know possess Bob LaBrant’s amazing memory for detail, and his depth of understanding of the political process. When there is a laudable goal, such as creating the Michigan Political Leadership Program, he doesn’t let a few barriers stand in the way of success.

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