Contributors' Index
Below is a list of our current outstanding contributors, without whom we would not have this website.
Their stories and commentaries showcase all of the issues that we are trying to identify and promote.
Our initial offering of stories on the website is only a small portion of the collective work in the index as you will see. Over the coming weeks and months we will be featuring many more stories and commentaries that we are sure you will want to read and hopefully comment on through the website.
Coming soon are:
- Insightful stories in our Leadership section by former Senate Majority Leader Dan DeGrow and Senate Minority Leader Bob Emerson. Although they were from two different political parties, they were able through mutual trust and respect to come together to help pass critical legislation on a number of fronts.
- Two absorbing stories on the incredible saga of Proposal A by Rep. Lynn Jondahl and Richard McLellan.
- Two pieces on the long and arduous negotiations that resulted in a bi-partisan rewrite of Michigan’s workers’ compensation and unemployment insurance system laws. Rich Studley, who would later become president and CEO of the Michigan Chamber of Commerce, and Bob Morris who was the House Democrat staff person on labor issues, provide their insights.
These are just a few of the many additional stories and commentaries we will be bringing you on MIGoodGovernment in coming months.
Originally from Flint, Ballenger, a Republican, graduated from Princeton. In his mid 20s he was elected to the state House and then the state Senate. After his legislative experience he served in various state and federal positions ending up as Michigan state racing commissioner. He started his highly successful political newsletter in 1987.
- Protecting our Democracy
- How and When did Michigan’s Top Lobbyists Get Started?
Benson retired from the Capitol Tour and Information Office in 2015 after 20 years of service. Prior to that he worked in the Michigan House of Representatives, Communications Director for the Michigan Community Colleges Association, and as a sports reporter in Ohio.
- The Capitol Tour
Benson retired after a 31 year career as a partner in the multi-client lobbying firm, Michigan Legislative Consultants (MLC). He came to MLC after serving on the staff of two senate majority leaders (Sen. Bill Fitzgerald and Bill Faust). He has served on several non-profit boards and was a gubernatorial appointee to a state regulatory commission.
- The Chief Justice
- The White House Excursion
- The Duffers Invitational
Born and raised in Manistee, MI, Cawthorne attended Albion College, and then Harvard Law School. After working on the staff of US senator Robert Griffin, he returned home and ran for the Michigan House. He won the seat and went on to be reelected five times. Cawthorne was House Republican Leader for his last two terms. After leaving the legislature he practiced law specializing in government relations. In 1999 he and former Attorney General Frank Kelley formed the firm of Kelly Cawthorne which continued his government relations specialty.
- Mutual Trust Leads to Mutual Gains
- I Am Optimistic
DeGrow, a Republican from Port Huron, was first elected to the Michigan House soon after finishing law school. He served one 2 year term and then was elected to the state senate where he served for 20 years. The last four years of his senate career he was senate majority leader. After his legislative career he was superintendent of schools for the St. Clair County Intermediate School district.
- Trust and Respect
With a strong labor background, Emerson represented the city of Flint both as a member of the Michigan house and then as a state senator serving for several years as senate minority leader. He then became state budget director in the administration of Gov. Jennifer Granholm.
- Evaluate, Debate, Negotiate
Fry graduated from Michigan State, and then received his JD from Wayne State University Law School. He was a legislative analyst for former House Speaker Bobby Crim. Fred then worked as a lobbyist for the firm GCSI.
- Constructing a Constructive Construction Solution (co-authored)
- The Cleary/Ehlers Tag Team
Hillegonds was raised in Holland MI. He received his BA from the University of Michigan and his law degree from Cooley Law School. He served nine terms in the Michigan house including one term as co-speaker of the house (1993-94) and one term as speaker (1995-96). After his legislature career Hillegonds was named president of Detroit Renaissance, an economic development nonprofit focusing on Detroit. He later became a vice president of DTE Energy in Detroit.
- Lessons of Leadership
- Remembering Rep. Jim Dressel
- Eulogy for a Friend: Rep. Don Gilmer
David was raised in Battle Creek but came to Michigan State University where were received his bachelor’s and master’s degrees. He stayed on to teach high school in Lansing. In 1973 after teaching high school and being an elected member of the Ingham County Board of Commissioners, Hollister, a Democrat, was elected to the Michigan house where he went on to serve for 20 years. He then was elected mayor of Lansing where he served for 10 years. He resigned to become director of the Michigan Department of Labor and Economic Growth under Gov. Jennifer Granholm.
- Right to Die Memories
- Lessons Learned as a Public Servant
A native of Iowa, Jondahl received his bachelor’s in history at the University of Iowa, and his master’s in divinity from Yale. A democrat, he was a member of the Michigan house of representatives for 20 years with ten of those years as chair of the house taxation committee. Jondahl was the leader of Gov. Jennifer Granholm’s transition team in 2002. He also served for eight years on the State Board of Ethics.
- Proposal A – After the Guillotine Dropped
Kuhnmuench received her BA in business from Michigan State University. She went on to receive her JD from the Thomas J Cooley School of Law. After a short time on the house democratic research staff, she served as chief of staff for both House Speaker Bobby Crim and his successor, Speaker Gary Owen. Kuhnmuench then embarked on a successful career as a lobbyist and joint owner of a large multi-client lobby firm, GCSI.
- The Magic of Marge Malarney
- Partnering Brings Solutions
Kyle came to Lansing for the Associated Press after working for the AP in New Hampshire and Vermont. She also worked for the City News in Chicago, and for the Chicago Tribune. She later wrote for Newsweek before joining the Detroit bureau of the US News and World Report. Kyle was also a reporter and editor at the Lansing State Journal.
- Capital Compromise
LaBrant worked for the Michigan Chamber of Commerce for nearly 35 years with many of those years serving as senior vice president-political affairs, and general counsel. An attorney, he is a recognized expert on campaign finance and political action committees. LaBrant has won numerous awards for his contributions to the political process and association management.
- Present at the Creation II
While involved in the political arena since high school, Dan Loepp officially entered the Capitol as a member of State Senator John Hertel’s staff. He would go on to serve as Attorney General Frank Kelley’s Communications Director. He then assumed the post of Executive Director of the Service Station Dealers Association. When Curtis Hertel became Speaker of the House in the Shared Power arrangement, he served as Hertel’s Chief of Staff. He is the Chief Executive Officer and president of Blue Cross Blue Shield of Michigan. Dan authored the highly acclaimed book recounting the two years of the Shared Power Agreement.
- Shared Power
McLellan is a lawyer who has been active on major public policy issues for more than 40 years. He also served for more than 35 years as the chair of the Michigan Law Revision Commission, and was a close advisor to governor John Engler. Highly respected on both sides of the aisle, McLellan was a trusted confidant of legislative leaders on a myriad of issues affecting all Michigan citizens and businesses.
- Charter Schools
Marvin serves as the Historian and Curator of the Michigan State Capitol. She received her BA from the University of Michigan and her MA from Eastern Michigan University. She lives with her husband David in a restored 1906 home in downtown Lansing.
- Restoring a Treasure
Bob Morris spent 38 years working in and around the Michigan legislature. He fought for numerous public policy issues on behalf of the Michigan house leadership, Wayne County government, and the Southeast Michigan Council of Governments (SEMCOG). He also served in the administrations of both Gov. Jim Blanchard and Gov. Jennifer Granholm.
Muchmore has been in and around the Michigan Capitol for his entire professional career. He served as chief of staff to Gov. Rick Snyder for six years. He founded the successful lobby firm of Muchmore, Harrington, Smalley and Associates, and before that was senior VP at the Michigan Chamber of Commerce. He also served as chief of staff to three Michigan state senators.
- The Prime Minister is Waiting
In addition to serving as Attorney General Frank Kelley’s press secretary, Pat Murphy has enjoyed a distinguished career as a reporter for a number of newspapers including The Flint Journal and The Detroit News.
- Frank Kelley Stories
- Constructing a Constructive Construction Solution (co-author)
Michael Ranville’s career working in and around the Capitol encompasses nearly forty years. Following six years as director of research on the Senate Democratic staff, he joined the lobbying firm of Karoub Associates. He is the author of numerous articles dealing with history, politics and sports. He is the author of the acclaimed To Strike at a King: The Turning Point in the McCarthy Witch-Hunts.
- Gerald Ford: A Great Guy to Have a Beer With
- Sen. Bill Faust: A Quiet Yet Strong Leader
- People We Have Come to Know and Love
- Bill Gallagher: A Man and His Camera
Dr. Joe Schwarz grew up in a medical household. His father was a physician in World War I and a psychiatrist at the Battle Creek Veteran’s facility. His mother was as a nurse in World War I. His late brother Robert was also a physician. Following medical school and internship in Los Angeles, Dr. Schwarz enlisted in the Navy where he requested assignment in Vietnam. He was recruited by the CIA and served in Indonesia. He moved back to Battle Creek as an Ear, Nose and Throat specialist. He served on the Battle Creek City Council and became mayor. He was recruited to run for the Michigan Senate where he served four terms. He then served a term in the United States House of Representatives. He currently is on the faculty of the University of Michigan where he teaches in the Gerald R. Ford School of Public Policy.
- Living in Interesting Times with Joe Schwarz
Gary Shrewsbury worked for the Michigan senate democratic caucus as staff photographer for nearly 30 years. He served as Gov. James Blanchard’s photographer during his two terms and photographed for both Gov. Granholm and Gov. Whitmer as well. Shrewsbury has photographed for the presidential campaigns of every democratic candidate since Bill Clinton.
- Only Two People
Tim Skubick is the longest serving member of the Michigan capitol press corps. He anchors the long running weekly public TV series, Off the Record. Skubick has authored two books on state politics and has received five Emmys. He is a graduate of Michigan State University where he earned bachelor of arts and master of arts degrees.
- The Milliken Wit
- St. Paul and the Capitol Press Corps
Roberta Stanley, or Bert as many friends and colleagues know her, was a capitol reporter for Gongwer News Service, then a congressional staffer in Washington DC working with Michigan congressman William Ford. She worked then as state and federal relations director in the Michigan Department of Education for many years. She continues to do contractual federal relations work in education and is serving as president of the Michigan Political History Society.
- A Day of Survival for Title IX Sex Equity
- Hugh Masterson – A Quality Mentor
Studley began his capital career working on business and economic issues for the senate republican research staff. He later was hired by the Michigan Chamber of Commerce and served in a variety of roles before becoming president and CEO of the highly respected business organization.
- Workers’ Compensation Reform: A Case Study of the Legislative Process in Michigan